We're 99% Sure You Missed These Things In FNAF Security Breach. Challenge Yourself And Prove You're Truly A Fan!
Let's get started! Did you notice anything strange about these messages?
They are written in Morse
There is nothing hidden in them
They are messages written in binary
I don't understand what they say!
When there's a new message or mission, what program does the sound of the bag remind you of?
Nothing reminds me of it!
What happens when you play the Princess Quest game?
It has no impact on the game
You can't play the arcade
If you play all three games, you unlock a different ending.
If you play and win, you unlock a new game
In the Monty's area, did you notice anything about this miniature golf game?
Only very advanced players can play it
There are hidden references to previous games
I didn't notice anything unusual
It's a simple arcade game
If you went to the service area, did you notice anything here, related to Bonnie?
The high level of security may indicate that Bonnie is still alive.
Yes, this is the place where Bonnie was killed.
It requires a lot of security, I couldn't get in!
Bonnie is not part of FNAF
Several children are missing, can you tie up loose ends by looking at these images now?
The candy was used to make the children disappear.
The children stole those candies.
I don't see any connection
The children were poisoned with hidden foods.
If you collected all the disks and upgrades, did you notice what unlocks?
Interviews between Vanessa and therapists
The secret of how to unlock a special ending