Is My Third Eye Open Quiz – Third Eye Test
How easy has it become for you to process others’ emotions?
Not easy at all
It used to be easier
It’s easier than before
I’ve been very empathetic these days
How would you score your empathy level? (10 means you’re super-empathetic)
Has your life changed lately? How do you describe the change?
Not, It’s still the same way
I’m not sure. I don’t think so
Yes, there’ve been small changes
Yes, I’ve experienced significant changes
Do you agree that you’re attracting more positivity these days?
No, I’m attracting negativity
No, my life used to be more positive
I think that’s happening, but I’m not sure
Yes, I’ve become a positive magnet
Which one describes your life energy better?
Very low
It used to be higher
It’s increasing
It’s very high
What thing is the best part of having an open third eye?
I don’t know
Seeing things
Seeing the greater picture
Having peace of mind