How do you react when you hear a dumb joke?
A: I laugh anyway
B: I smile at the person who made it
C: I stare
D: I say it was dumb
What kind of person are you at a party?
A: I make sure they have a good time
B: I chat with everyone
C: I dance
D: I observe others carefully
What do you do when a stranger smiles at you?
A: I smile back
B: I usually don't notice
C: I pretend I didn't see it
D: I look at him/her
Which of these options do you consider polite?
A: Asking someone how they feel
B: Complimenting people
C: Being on time
D: Mind your own business
What do you do when a friend is feeling sad?
A: Listen to him/her
B: I hug him/her
C: I offer them a hot drink
D: I don't know what to do
What kind of conversationalist are you?
A: Lively and excited
B: Talkative and funny
C: I listen a lot and talk little
D: Monotone