Test Your Name Popularity %?
How do people react to your name?
Wow, so cool
Wait, what again?
Classic and timeless
I’ve heard better
What’s the vibe of your name?
Trendy and chic
Unique and rare
Old but gold
Sweet and friendly
Can you find your name on souvenirs?
Always, everywhere
Rarely, it’s unique
Sometimes, depends
Never, what a mystery
What’s your go-to reaction when someone mispronounces your name?
Correct them politely
Laugh it off
Ignore and move on
Happens all the time
What kind of nicknames do you get?
Cute and funny
None, just my name
Weird and random
I make my own
If you could rename yourself, what would you pick?
Something trendy
Something meaningful
Something simple
Nah, I love mine