What Does Your Hold Hands Style Say About You?
How do you usually shake someone’s hand when greeting them for the first time?
With both hands, covering it warmly
With a firm but brief grip
With a quick and sometimes hesitant grip
Relaxed, with a gentle shake
When walking with your partner or friend, how do you prefer to hold hands?
Fingers intertwined, feeling the connection
Just lightly holding with the fingers
I feel nervous and sometimes let go
Without much thought, in a comfortable, natural way
How do you usually greet close family members?
With a strong shake and a warm touch
I prefer to greet with a smile rather than taking their hand
I get nervous and just give a quick greeting
With a casual shake and a relaxed smile
Do you like to hold your partner’s hand in public?
Yes, I’m always seeking contact
Not much, I prefer privacy
Sometimes, but I feel nervous
Only when we both feel like it
What do you do if your friend takes your hand to cross the street?
I intertwine fingers to stay close
I follow the gesture but don’t show much emotion
I get surprised and quickly let go
I accept the gesture without worry; it feels natural
What’s your first reaction when someone extends their hand to greet you?
I shake enthusiastically with eye contact
A firm shake, but without showing emotion
A quick handshake, and I step back
A relaxed and friendly greeting